Delsa Law Firm, LLC

(985) 882-1222

How Much is My Car Accident Case Worth?

Posted by Liz Delsa | May 06, 2024 | 0 Comments

If you've been injured in a motor vehicle accident that wasn't your fault, your second question – after “Will I be okay?” – might be “How much is my case worth?” The answer, as you might expect, is “It depends.” Understanding what goes into determining damages in a car accident case in Louisiana can help give you an idea of what your particular case might be worth.

Components of a Typical Damage Award

A typical damage award in a car or truck accident case is made up of several components.

Economic Damages are ones that are generally relatively easy to calculate. They include the following:

- Medical costs. This includes things like ER fees, hospital charges, doctors' bills, radiology bills, prescription costs, and charges for physical therapy and other types of rehab.

- Property damage. Included in this category are the costs to repair or replace your car or truck, as well as compensation for the value of any personal property damaged or destroyed in the crash.

- Past lost income. You may be able to recover wages you weren't paid because you were out of work recuperating from your injuries.

- Future lost income. This includes wages you lose if your injury will cause you to miss work in the future,

If you know the amounts of each of these categories, you can total them and arrive at a pretty good estimate of what your economic damages award would be in a personal injury lawsuit.

Non-Economic Damages cover things that are harder to quantify. They include:

- Pain and suffering. You can often recover compensation for the pain you suffered from the crash itself and during your recovery. If you continue to experience pain because of the crash for an extended period, you can recover compensation for this as well.

- Loss of enjoyment of life. This can compensate you for long-term problems caused by the accident that can make it more difficult for you to enjoy life in the same way you were able to before the crash.

- Mental and emotional anguish. Being a victim of a car accident can be very traumatic. If you suffer from anxiety, depression, stress, sleep loss, or anger issues, you can receive compensation for these as well.

The value of these types of damages can be hard to calculate, but in many cases, it will be significantly higher than the Economic Damages portion of the award.

Punitive Damages are generally not allowed in personal injury cases. However, there are some exceptions. In car accident cases, punitive damages are available where a driver ‘s intoxication causes the car accident.

Comparative Fault Can Reduce a Damage Award

One thing that can reduce the amount of damages awarded in a car or truck accident case is if the judge or jury decides the plaintiff was partially to blame for the crash. The judge or jury will determine the percentage of fault for each party involved in the accident, including the plaintiff. The plaintiff's damages are then reduced by the percentage of fault assigned to the plaintiff.

For example, if a jury awards total damages of $1 million and decides that the plaintiff was 25% at fault, the plaintiff can only recover $750,000.00.

The Delsa Law Firm, LLC, Can Help You With Your Accident Injury Claim

If you've been injured in a car or truck accident in Louisiana, the Delsa Law Firm, LLC, is here to help you recover compensation for your injuries, damages, and pain and suffering. We understand the laws and court procedures that apply in personal injury cases and have experience aggressively negotiating substantial settlements on behalf of our clients. Contact us today at (985) 882-1222 or through our contact form to learn more about how we can help you with your case.

You deserve to be represented by an experienced attorney who knows how to go to bat for clients. We're conveniently located in Slidell, just off of I-12, near the intersection of Interstates 10, 12, and 59. Let us help you recover what you're entitled to for your case.

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